Health Office


Healthy Children Learn Better


Mrs. Kathryn Cunningham, our school nurse is available for routine care during the school day. Students who are ill or injured during the school day are sent to the nurse's office. Students may be administered first aid, may be sent home, or in extreme emergencies may be transported to a hospital. Parents are notified if a serious injury or illness occurs. A written report is kept of all accidents and health visits.

The responsibility for the health of each child is primarily that of the parent/guardian. The school nurse will strive to protect and improve the health of each child in cooperation with parents, making use of community resources and educational materials.


Seasonal Information: FALL



The following are health requirements for students entering the school system:

  1. Immunization record in compliance with the NH State Immunization Requirements
  2. Complete physical examination
  3. Birth certificate

New Hampshire state law requires that each child have a complete physical examination within a one-year period before entry to school.

A parent/guardian of students transferring to the School District must present proof of meeting the physical examination and immunization requirements within thirty days of entrance. Failure to comply with this provision may result in exclusion from school for the child.

15 Healthy Snack Ideas For Kids:

  1. Cheese: the protein in cheese helps keep energy levels high. Try cutting cheese into fun shapes with cookie cutters.
  2. Peanut Butter: is full of protein and fiber. Try making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on a rice cake or toasted waffles as an alternative to bread.
  3. Baked Goods: of course! Try disguising fruits and vegetables in baked goods like banana bread or zucchini muffins.
  4. Whole Grains: contains vitamins, calcium and fiber. A bowl of enriched whole grain cereal with milk is a great way to start the day!
  5. Yogurt: an excellent source of calcium. To add taste incorporate berries and/or granola to your bowl of yogurt.
  6. Eggs: contain almost 1/3 of your protein requirement for the day. Instead of always scrambling your eggs try keeping hard-boiled eggs in your fridge!
  7. Sweet Potatoes: are packed with Vitamin A and are also a good source of B6, C and folate. Try making sweet potato chips as an alternative to the greasy, store-bought ones.
  8. Hummus: Contains folate, vitamin B6 and iron. Serve it as a veggie dip or make a pita bread sandwich.
  9. Pasta: Loaded with complex carbohydrates. Available in many different shapes and sizes to be mixed with chicken or vegetables.
  10. Pears: very nutritious and can be combined with low-fat cottage cheese or eaten by themselves!
  11. Smoothies: yum, yum! Combine nonfat vanilla yogurt, 100% orange juice and your choice of fresh or frozen fruit for a delicious snack.
  12. Snack mix: with nuts, pretzels, whole grain cereal, banana chips and popcorn is handy and portable! It also contains magnesium, iron and zinc.
  13. Raisins: high in fiber, potassium and vitamins. There's always your traditional celery, peanut butter and raisins.
  14. Apples: to spice it up make an apple crisp topped with low-fat vanilla yogurt and fresh blueberries. It's high in vitamin C and fiber!
  15. Oatmeal: make your own low-fat oatmeal cookies and add raisins, cranberries, dried apricots or nuts to boost the nutritional value.

Seasonal Information: WINTER

Nine Tricks to Avoid Catching a Cold or the Flu this Season

  1. Hand Washing! Wash your hands as much as possible. Teach your kids to wash their hands with soap, warm water and friction while they sing "Happy Birthday To You."
  2. Keep your hands off! Avoid touching your nose and eyes as those are the most common places for germs to get in. Also avoid biting your nails as germs like to hide under there too!
  3. Go to bed! When you're tired your body isn't fighting against disease as hard. It is recommended to get at least 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night.
  4. Get your shot! The sooner you get your flu shot the better.
  5. Build up with healthy food! Eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables supports your immune system and makes it a lot easier to fight off a potential cold or flu. It is recommended to eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
  6. Work out! Working out regularly also enhances immune function. Play should be a part of every child's day with at LEAST one hour of physical activity.
  7. Stay away! Keep your distance from people displaying symptoms like sneezing and coughing. Always remember if you have to sneeze make sure you do so in the crook of your arm.
  8. Try to smile! New research has found that happiness may also help avoid catching a cold or flu this season. Positive thinking, playing with a pet, and other pleasurable behaviors will boost your immune system.
  9. Drink, Drink, Drink! It's very important to support a healthy immune system to stay hydrated.

Seasonal Information: SPRING

Avoiding Tick Bites

  1. Stay on trails outdoors; avoid areas of overgrown brush and tall grasses.
  2. Wear light-colored clothes so ticks can be easily seen. Also check out permethrin-treated clothing where the permethrin is integrated into the fabric and good through many washes.
  3. Wear a hat, long-sleeved shirt and long pants tucked into enclosed shoes or socks.
  4. Check yourself often for ticks.
  5. Use insect repellent containing DEET or permethrin. The American Academy of Pediatrics says it's safe to use repellent with up to 30% DEET on children over 2 months old.

Removing An Attached Tick

  1. Remove the tick promptly. The sooner you remove it, the less chance of infection.
  2. Use tweezers to grasp the tick's mouthparts at the surface of the skin.
  3. With a steady motion, gently pull the tick straight out.
  4. Wipe the bite area with an antiseptic, or wash with soap and water.
    1. Do not squeeze the tick.
    2. Do not rub petroleum jelly on the tick.
    3. Do not use a hot match or cigarette.
    4. Do not pour kerosene or nail polish on
  5. After removing the tick monitor your child for any signs or symptoms

Seasonal Information: SUMMER

Seven Summer Safety Tips For Kids

  1. Cover Up! Wear a hat, sunglasses and cotton clothing.
  2. Find Shade! Limit sun exposure during the peak intensity hours of 10am and 4pm.
  3. Use Sunscreen! Wear an SPF of 15 or greater. Reapply every two hours.
  4. Stay Hydrated! Kids should have water or a sports drink always available and drink every twenty minutes while exercising in the heat.
  5. Practice Pool Safety! Never leave children alone in or near the pool area, even for a moment.
  6. Avoid Bites And Stings! Use bug sprays. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends repellents that contain picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus, both are non-toxic and able to reduce mosquito bites just as well as formulas with low levels of DEET.
  7. Ride Safe! Always have your children wear a Consumer Product Safety Commission sealed helmet when riding their bike, skateboard, scooter etc.


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